Why You Should Be Taking: ProHydrate+

by Marissa Spade
Why You Should Be Taking: ProHydrate+

What is ProHydrate+?

AboutTime ProHydrate+ is an intra/post workout formula that helps with hydration and muscle recovery. It is full of electrolytes, coconut water, and protein to help fuel your body in a healthy and natural way. It is only 73 calories and has 6 grams of carbohydrates, and no artificial colors or sweeteners, so it is your healthier choice for a sports drink. Let’s break it down by ingredients so you can see exactly why YOU should be taking ProHydrate+ for your workouts.


Ingredients List:

Whey Protein Isolate:

Whey isolate protein is the purest form of whey and a complete protein. This type of protein is perfect for low-carb diets because they are typically low on sugar and carbs, if any, and contains low lactose levels. Whey Isolate is also easily digested and contains essential amino acids that your body needs. AboutTime whey isolate is a clean protein powder that contains no artificial fillers or additives. Whey isolate protein helps your muscles recover after a workout and also helps you to gain muscles.


Note: If you read our article on the AboutTime AminoHydrate here: https://tryabouttime.com/blogs/news-fitness/why-you-should-be-taking-aminohydrate) then you are already familiar with the next two ingredients and it might just be a refresher on why they are important. If you have not read our AminoHydrate article, no worries, keep reading and then head over to that one next! 😊

Coconut Water:

Coconut water is second only to water as the purest liquids on the earth. It contains approximately 45 calories and 10 grams of natural sugar per cup. It is fat free five key electrolytes: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also contains multiple vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are ideal for human health.

Coconut water has so many health benefits, so there is absolutely a reason you see it trending all over these days. It is known to lower blood pressure, increase weight loss, increase athletic performance, boost energy, lower cholesterol, help reduce cellulite, and relax muscle tension. Sounds perfect, right? However, just because coconut water seems like the miracle water, it is still only second to water. Pure water is still the best for hydration and for replenishing your body. It should not replace water entirely, but act as an additional resource of hydration.

So why is it an ingredient in the AboutTime ProHydrate+? Formulated in a sports nutrition supplement, coconut can help with your overall hydration. It is just one of the key ingredients that makes ProHydrate+ such a great supplement.



We’ve all heard about if electrolytes, you’ve definitely heard that you need to replenish them. We often hear the term electrolytes in terms of sports drinks and working out. This is accurate because your electrolytes are what keeps your body functioning properly. When we workout, the electrolytes get deposited into sweat glands and that is what releases that salty sweaty mixture on your skin. Without electrolytes, our cells would basically shrivel up and die or burst from being too full. They also help keep your body cooled down when your start to feel overheated.

In a supplement, additional electrolytes help to keep the hydration and keep your body from overheating. They are the perfect addition to the ingredients of ProHydrate, as your body is being challenged and it is important that your electrolytes are constantly being replenished.

 Why You Should Be Taking AboutTime ProHydrate:

After reading each of the ingredients in the AboutTime ProHydrate, it is pretty easy to see how it can help you refuel and recover both during and after an intense workout.

Taking AboutTime ProHydrate+ during or after a workout can help aid workout hydration, provide fuel, and help with muscle recovery/and muscle gain. It helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis to reduce muscle breakdown and helps the muscles restore glycogen supplies. When you are training intensely, your muscles are constantly being challenged and they need time to rebuild and repair. Taking a recovery supplement helps your muscles to recover, and lets you be less sore so that you can continue to train hard. When you take ProHydrate+, you are helping your muscles recover so that you can be less sore and continue to train hard. The coconut water and electrolytes help to keep you hydrated, as training hard can produce sweat and leave your body feeling tired and dehydrated.

Plus, it is gluten-free, soy-free, and all-natural, so you know exactly what you are putting into your body. No harmful artificial flavors, colors, or fillers. 73 calories, 10 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and delicious flavors (coconut lime and strawberry watermelon). This is definitely your go-to recovery and hydration formula.

Want to learn more about AboutTime ProHydrate+ intra/post workout formula? Click here: https://tryabouttime.com/products/prohydrate-plus

by Marissa Spade


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