How To Develop Muscular Power

by Ankur Garg
How To Develop Muscular Power

One of the hottest topics in the world of strength and conditioning is how we can develop greater power and speed in our athletes. The ability to move from one point on the field or court to another with greater speed and efficiency than the opponent can be a determining factor in the win of a game/match.

It’s important to understand that speed is very closely related to the development of muscular power, but what exactly is muscular power? In technical terms, power = force x velocity. Power is the capability of a muscle to rapidly exert force—aka the explosiveness of a particular muscle. However, in order to develop power an athlete must first develop strength (take a look back at my blog last month on the staples of strength training for athletes).

Once a solid base of strength is created, we can focus on converting that strength into muscular power. Take a look below at some important exercises for developing power. These exercises can be used by a wide range of athletes competing in various sports. It is very important that each athlete progress slowly and safely with these exercises, and have his or her technique closely monitored to prevent injury.

  1. Medicine Ball Side TossMuscular Power

    Coaching Tips:

  •      Maintain a low, wide base with your legs
  •      Use the rotation of the core and hips to generate power

  1. Medicine Ball Push Jerk Muscular Power

    Coaching Tips:

  •      “Push the ground away” as hard as you can with your legs as you jump and release the ball
  1. Single Arm DB Snatch Muscular Power

   Coaching Tips:

  •      Maintain a flat back during the loading phase
  •      Use the power generated from the jump to move the dumbbell overhead
  •      “Drop” your body underneath the weight during the catch phase

  1. High Pull 

    Muscular Power

     Coaching Tips:

  •      Maintain a flat back during the loading phase
  •      Pull first by shrugging the shoulders and second by pulling the elbows towards the ceiling
  •      Generate momentum for the bar to move upwards by extending the ankles, knees, and hips all at once
  •      Keep the bar close to your body through the motion

TRAINER TIP: In general, when training for power, keep your reps between 3-5, sets between 3-5, and load between 75-85% of the 1RM.

The post How To Develop Muscular Power appeared first on About Time.

by Ankur Garg


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