What types of exercises should I do to get a six-pack?

by Emily Fraser
What types of exercises should I do to get a six-pack?

This is probably the most common question I get asked by a range of gym-goers. While many people love to believe that doing crunches until the cows come home will get their bodies beach-ready, I’m here to tell you it isn’t that simple – you can’t just spot check body fat! Firstly, six-packs are mostly made in the kitchen. Now I know this isn’t the most glamorous answer, but there really is no substitute for a healthy, balanced diet to control excess body fat in the abdominal region. Secondly, it is important to include full body exercises like squats, deadlifts, clean and presses, etc. to target your core ad ultimately your abdominals. Simply focusing on ab-specific exercises can lead to imbalances and potentially injury.

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by Emily Fraser


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