Prevention of Binge Eating

by traindirtyfitness
Prevention of Binge Eating

As someone who suffered from binge eating for years, I am the master at knowing when the urge is there.  Being the master at knowing this means I can also tell you that I could have prevented many of my binge episodes by being prepared. I learned a tip years ago from a mentor who told me, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. That stuck with me throughout my entire 100 pound weight loss journey and now my 5th year into maintenance.

Binge EatingI am not one of those girls who can eat banana when she is hungry and stop because the hunger “edge” is gone. No, I’m the girl who will eat the banana with peanut butter plus 5 rices cakes, a handful of almonds, protein shake, and 3 About Time snack bars to get the hunger edge gone.  That’s just who I am. I could try to pretend that I am better at controlling this disorder, but I would be wrong.

So how do I deal? Well, I am always prepared, packed, and ready for whatever the day brings. I carry my purse inside of a gym bag everywhere I go. This enables me to have a buffet of healthy snacks.  If I don’t have a healthy snack, I can most definitely not eat. I can wait until I get home. I have no problem staying away from the drive thrus, but my real demon lies in my own house.  Once I walk in the front door, if I am starving, I will binge on whatever is within reach: peanut butter, rice cakes, yogurt, almonds.

Prevention for me (and most binge eaters) is key. Here are my fave go to products and “what’s in my bag”:

binge eating

The contents of my favorite go-to snacks

I also carry larger amounts because I am the mom to a {nonstop growing} 15 year old son. If I don’t pack extra, I will get none.

  • Dry About Time whey in a shaker (just add water and you are good)
  • Tuna Pouch {packed in water, this way if you don’t have a fork, you can just turn it up and eat without an oil spill}
  • Raisins (bananas aren’t good left in your gym bag for a few days)
  • Nuts
  • About Time Paleo Protein Bars

These are always in my bag and are my favorites. If you are like me and struggle with binging, try keeping snacks with you at all times. Prevention has been my life saver in dealing with my eating disorder.

The post Prevention of Binge Eating appeared first on About Time.

by traindirtyfitness


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