Learn To Weight Train With Confidence

by Ankur Garg
Learn To Weight Train With Confidence

Learn To Weight Train With Confidence

Learn To Weight Train With Confidence.  The gym can be an intimidating place to someone new to working out. There are so many things that you can do in the gym. However with all that there is to do generally the first place new members go to is the cardio area.  Cardio looks safe while on the other hand the weight training area known as the “Pit” might look like a whole different world different dimension and scary right?

It’s not unusual to think or feel this way about the weight training area at first glance or maybe even second. Weight training can be intimidating if you don’t have a clue about how to do it.  However you’ll definitely want to know how to do it because in order to change the body and sculpt it you need weight training otherwise if you are stuck on a cardio machine day in and day out sure you’ll lose the weight but you’ll just be a smaller version of your old self.  Your goal is probably to look good and feel good about your body in and out of clothing and in turn you feel good about yourself.

There are a few things you could do to prepare yourself to go into the gym and weight train with confidence.  Recruit a personal trainer, get a good home dvd workout program that includes weight training, or recruit the assistance of a fit friend or family member.

Recruiting a personal trainer can be beneficial because personal trainers are seen as the experts and can not only show you how to use the weight properly but develop a complete weight training &  cardio program for you to use in and throughout the gym. If hiring a personal trainer is a bit out of your budget a good alternative would be a complete home workout training program on dvd.

Home workout training programs on dvd are excellent because it is like like having a personal trainer in the comfort of your home giving you step by step instructions on how to use weights such as dumbbells and barbells and teaching you the proper techniques.  The really good programs like P90X will cost you around the same amount as it would about 2 sessions with a personal trainer.   Complete dvd home workout systems such as the P90X program includes weight training, yoga, plyometrics, and kenpo karate.  Once you’ve mastered these workouts in your home you’ll be able to go to the gym and perform the same weight training workouts with the higher weights provided at the gym. You’ll go into the gym when you are ready with know-how and confidence.

Finally, If you have a fit friend or family member that works out and is willing to offer assistance or asks you to be a workout partner in weight training take advantage of the opportunity. Weight training can be a lot more fun with a partner.  Don’t get me wrong weight training is hard work but the workout will seem to go by quicker with a partner.  Going in and working out with a partner in the pit makes the experience less intimidating and you’ll be able to focus more on the workout.

Whether you recruit a personal trainer, workout in home, or with a friend they are all great steps to get you moving in a forward direction and comfortable with going into the pit because it should look less scary and more like a happy place to take you were you want to be.

Happy and safe lifting.

-Alane Ayat ,

Alane is a National Physique Committee National Bikini Competitor /Athlete, she is a published athlete featured in Natural Muscle Magazine, Inside Fitness Magazine, RxMuscle, Ripped N Fit and other print and online publications and platforms.  Alane has studied under some of the leading professionals in the health and fitness industry.  Alane has extensive knowledge, training, and experience in health and fitness with an emphasis on fitness.  She is founder of The Art of A Warrior a health and fitness platform, and Co-Founder of Latin Fitness Women.  Alane is a Mental Health Counselor, Fitness Coach, and Consultant.  Alane works with clients across the globe with matters of mind body and soul.  She has developed thousands of individual and group fitness plans and programs including a program for adolescent girls in recovery from substance abuse.   Alane is a United States Air Force Veteran and has served in the Middle East and was Active during and post 911 OIF/ OEF.  She is a National Defense Service Medal Recipient.    Contact Alane Ayat via twitter @AlaneAyatAdapt or through her Facebook Page www.facebook.com/TheArtOfAWarrior

The post Learn To Weight Train With Confidence appeared first on About Time.

by Ankur Garg


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