How to Do Ring Dips With Lindy Barber

by Ankur Garg
How to Do Ring Dips With Lindy Barber

In Louisville, Kentucky an unbridled spirit, Lindy Barber, prepares for her road to the CrossFit regionals. The state of Kentucky defines and unbridled spirit as, “ free to soar and big dreams can be fulfilled. Relish competition and cherish champions for their willingness to push beyond conventional boundaries to reach new heights of success.” Barber is the definition of an unbridled spirit – living for the competition of sports and pushing her mental and physical capacities outside the traditional norms to succeed in every challenge presented to her (even if it is muscle-ups).

Since her younger years, Barber participated in any sports she could. She’s had the competitive edge that highly successful CrossFit athletes must possess, and she lives for the thrill of the challenge and adrenaline rush from achievement.

With the open behind her, Barber, is preparing for her regional appearance next month. The former collegiate soccer star is hopeful to represent at the 2015 games as an ABOUT TIME athlete. We were excited to interview her for our fans to learn about her passion for CrossFit and how this former jump rope team member found the sport she’s now hooked on.

Get to know more about Barber

Get Know More About Barber

AT: When did you start training in CrossFit?

LB: I dabbled in CrossFit a little bit in the end of 2009, but I was still playing soccer at the time, so I became a full-time CrossFitter in 2011.

AT: Describe your first experience doing CrossFit?

LB: I was invited to do a CrossFit WOD with almost zero knowledge in what it was about, but thought that I was in really good shape because I was a soccer player and I could run for days. Confidently I said yes- completed the workout (barely) and was so sore the next day that I could hardly move. I was hooked immediately.

AT: What is your favorite movement/WOD?

LB: My favorite lifting movement is the clean. My favorite body weight movements are double unders and box jumps.

My favorite style of WOD is a chipper that lasts 10-15 minutes. Filthy 50 is pretty fun J

AT: What is your least favorite movement/WOD?

LB: The OHS, and any workout that involves them. Maybe if we rally together, we can get them eliminated.  They are very difficult for me whether they are 65# or 200#.

AT: What is the one movement in CrossFit you thought you would never be able to do when you first started? Explain how you overcame the challenge.

LB: I NEVER EVER thought that I was going to get a muscle-up. Coming into CrossFit with a soccer background I had a lot of leg strength, but I was extremely weak in my upper body. Getting a strict pull-up took me about a year in itself, so I thought the muscle-up was impossible. I worked and worked, and would attempt them for an hour before someone would make me stop. When I finally got my first one- it was so exciting but it still took me another couple months to actually be able to get them consistently or string them together. Still to this day I am trying to build my confidence in the movement. I always start by practicing the transitions on the low rings before jumping up to the high rings. Anytime there is a workout with muscle-ups in it, I still get very nervous. But I have managed to improve my learning skills – see below my video to help any of you who struggle with the muscle ups too

AT: What do you love most about CrossFit?

LB: What I love the most about CrossFit is how it changes peoples’ lives. No matter if you are coming in because you have 1 specific goal in mind, or if you are only trying it out because a friend made you- it will change your life.  It will make you feel stronger, healthier, more confident and show you how amazing that you are and how much better you can feel every day. I love seeing new athletes transform into regular members who are making new friends and making their workouts a priority in their day. CrossFit is so much more than just a workout routine.

AT: What advice would you give to someone just getting started in CrossFit?

LB:  My advice would be to slow down a little bit and enjoy all of your accomplishments along the way. Every time that you are able to add another 5# to the bar, or jump up to the box that is 2 inches higher, or drop a band off of your pull-ups it is a big deal!

You’re getting stronger and healthier and that is a huge accomplishment. Don’t get wrapped around what other people are doing or lifting, and take the time to appreciate how far you personally have come. Celebrate the small victories you have while chasing your big picture goals- and tell me about them so I can celebrate with you!

List 3 things about yourself that have nothing to do with CrossFit.

1-   I can’t whistle.

2- I am a big Harry Potter Nerd. Read all the books, own all the movies, wish that I had magic powers.

3- I want to be a, “regular” somewhere at some point in my life. I want to walk into some restaurant or diner and know everyone, and be able to sit down and be brought my “usual” without having to ask.

Fun Facts about Lindy Barber

Favorite Song – Can’t Hold Us- Macklemore

Favorite Movie – 10 Things I Hate About You

Favorite Book – Harry Potter- Goblet of Fire

Favorite Professional sports team – U.S Womens Soccer Team

Favorite Collegiate sports team – Dayton Flyers! Go UD!

1 Thing you wish you could do – Surf

Lindy Barber's Road to Regionals


Stay tuned to the ABOUT TIME social accounts — (Instagram / Facebook / Twitter) for updates on Lindy’s training and her road to the regionals. Be sure to follow Lindy >> @LindyBarber or her ATHLETE page!

The About Time crew wishes her the best in her training and travels — Let’s get Barber to Carson, Cali !! 

The post Lindy Barber’s Road to CrossFit Regionals appeared first on About Time.

by Ankur Garg


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