Foods and Arthritis? What can help?

by Vicki
Foods and Arthritis? What can help?
Inflammation is the painful component of arthritis (symptoms include pain, swelling, red coloration to the area, and sometimes loss of movement or function), and may be a component of cardiovascular diseases. What about natural healing? Foods and Arthritis? What can help?

Can the foods you eat help reduce inflammation? Some experts believe it’s possible,  I’ll explain which foods may be anti-inflammatory foods (and which ones to avoid).

Foods To Eat    

Fats and Oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold-water oily fish, flax seeds, canola oil and pumpkin seeds. Consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Other healthful oils include rice bran oil, grape seed oil, and walnut oil

Fruits and Vegetables. Whole fruits, berries and vegetables are all rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Choose green and brightly colored vegetables, and whole fruits such as broccoli, chard, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, carrots and squash. You should eat at least five and preferably more) servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Protein Sources. Possible anti-inflammatory protein sources include lean poultry, fish and seafood (fatty fish offer protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids). Soy and soy foods such as tofu and tempeh, along with other legumes and nuts and seeds can be used as plant-based protein sources. The best nuts are walnuts, almonds, pecans and Brazil nuts.

Beverages. Your body needs water. Drink tap, sparkling or bottled water, 100-percent fruit juices, herbal tea, low-sodium vegetable juice, and low- or non-fat milk are all healthful sources of water.

Foods To Avoid

Loading up on junk foods, high-fat meats, sugar, and highly processed foods may increase the potential for inflammation in your body (find out how much sugar you can have each day). Reduce your consumption of trans-fats and saturated fats by cutting back on highly processed foods, red meats, and high-fat processed meats such as bacon and sausage. Cut out refined white flours in bread and pasta (look for 100-percent whole-grains instead). Eliminate your consumption of sugary sodas, pastries, candy, rich desserts, and pre-sweetened cereals.

Another possible source of irritation comes from the nightshade family of plants, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. These vegetables contain a chemical alkaloid which can trigger pain in some people. While there aren’t any formal research findings that back the claim about nightshade plants, some people do believe they get relief from the symptoms of pain and inflammation when they eliminate them.

Here are 10 excellent inflammation-fighting foods and ways to incorporate them into your lifestyle:

Fermented Foods and Liquids like Dong Quai, InnergyBiotic, Whole Grain Biotic and Coco-Bioticshould be at the top of your list of inflammation-fighting foods. They are anti-inflammation super stars for many reasons. One example is that they build immunity and help control infections that are often an underlying cause of inflammation
Broccoli has tons of vitamin C and plenty of calcium. It also fights eye inflammation. Make sure you lightly steam your broccoli to digest it well.
Hemp oil (and all other oils with omega-3 fatty acids) reduce inflammation. Most Americans consume too many omega-6 fatty acids, so it’s important to incorporate more omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp oil also has gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) to further fight inflammation. Remember to look for unrefined organic oils.
Wild-caught salmon  is another way to get beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. You can also try other fatty fish like cod and sardines
Did you know that high quality, therapeutic essential oils, have amazing anti inflammatory effects on your body? On top of that they can also supercharge your immune system, reduce pain and even flavor and purify your drinking water.
Tart cherries can reduce inflammation ten times better than aspirin! Tart cherries help reduce your risk for heart disease. They are certainly more delicious than the popular over-the-counter pill you are likely familiar with.
Soaked walnuts make a delicious and inflammation-fighting snack when you are ready for stage 2 of Body Ecology because of vitamin E and more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Soak your walnuts and other nuts before you eat them to remove the enzyme inhibitor. This makes them easier to digest.
Onions and Garlic. Onions not only provide a sweet taste to your savory meals, but also they have lots of quercetin, a potent antioxidant that can help your body fight inflammation. Try onions with your grain dishes, or prepare with eggs and greens. Garlic has long been a folk remedy for colds and illness, and its anti-inflammatory properties are amazing! Garlic contains sulfur compounds that stimulate your immune system to fight disease.
Pineapple is a tart fruit that has bromelain, an antioxidant that boosts your immunity naturally.
Spinach has plenty of carotenoids, one kind of inflammation-reducing antioxidant and it also contains vitamin E.  Make sure to steam your spinach for ultimate digestion.
Spices: Ginger & Turmeric
    • Turmeric is a spice used extensively in other cultures, and for good reason. It contains curcumin, a substance that actively reduces inflammation. Try sprinkling turmeric onto cooked squash or quinoa for a different flavor.
    • Ginger works in a way similar to turmeric to lower inflammation and in some studies has been shown to reduce pain associated with arthritis.

While processed foods may seem like the easier choice at first, they deplete your health over the long haul.

Developing a healthy eating plan can sometimes seem difficult but like anything that is new, it becomes second nature over time. And the payoff is well worth it: with a proper diet, you can take a proactive stance against inflammation and disease by incorporating these superfoods into your life.

With diet and lifestyle choices that support your health, you’ll fight disease, illness and the signs of aging!


The post Foods and Arthritis? What can help? appeared first on About Time.

by Vicki


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