Killer Track Workout

by Kyra
Killer Track Workout



galax track

I’ve been hittin’ up local tracks lately to get in a killer cardio workout to get lean for my Hawaii trip!

I really like working out on a track because it mixes it up.  Running on a treadmill can get so boring.  Running sprints outside in the sun with lots of of others around is awesome!

galax steps

Now.. here it is for you to do yourself!!

5 minute up and down stairs (warm up)

1 lap around 400m

2:1 rest ratio  (so it took me 1:45 to get around the track once, so I rested 3:30)

1 lap around 400m

2:1 rest

20 squats

20 push ups

20 alternating forward lunges

20 high plank shoulder taps

20 alternating lateral lunges

10 side plank hip raises each side

20 tricep dips

3 minutes up and down stairs

repeat for a total of 3 rounds.


Now you try it!!




The post Killer Track Workout appeared first on About Time.

by Kyra


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