Blast 200 calories in 10 minutes

by Devenee
Blast 200 calories in 10 minutes

March in place- high knees- 1 minute
Stand in front of a chair, squat, tap butt to seat and stand-1 minute
Jump up and down moving arms in circles- 1 minute
15 push ups- 2 sets
20 bicycles- 2 sets
20 bridges-2 sets
Walking lunges with weights- 1 minute
25 jumping jacks- 2 sets
10 tricep dips on chair- 2 sets
Run in place with high knees pumping arms- 1 minute

Approved by Sean Marszalek CEO SDC Nutrition, Inc

The post Blast 200 calories in 10 minutes appeared first on About Time.

by Devenee


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