Honey Sweet Rolls with Coconut Raisin Pecan filling

by Devenee
Honey Sweet Rolls with Coconut Raisin Pecan filling


1/2 c mashed sweet potatoes

1/2 About Time Cinnamon Swirl protein

1/2 c unsweetened almond milk

1/4  of a fresh avocado

1/4 c almond meal

1/4 c quick oats

1 T honey- heated slightly

1 t cinnamon

1 t baking soda

1 t baking powder

1 t vanilla extract

8 strands of orange zest- minced


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients together in one bowl. in a smaller bowl combine sweet potato, avocado, almond milk and vanilla extract. Add to the dry ingredients. blend well. Generously spray 7 tins of a muffin tray. Scoop in batter. Slightly heat honey in microwave then drizzle on the top of the 7 rolls. Bake 10 minutes- no longer. Use a butter knife and run around the outer edge- remove from pan, cool on a wire rack



1/4 c raisins- soak in warm water for 3 minutes- drain- pat dry with a paper towel

3 T pecan meal

3 T unsweetened coconut flakes

 1 T Greek yogurt- plain

1 t vanilla extract

1/2 t cinnamon

1 packet Stevia

Add all ingredients into a food processor and blend well. Cut sweet rolls in half and spread filling on. Place top of roll back on. Enjoy

Yields 7 sweet rolls

per roll:

calories- 115

fat- 5 g

carbs- 6.7 g

protein- 9.25 g


Approved By Sean Marszalek CEO SDC Nutrition, Inc



The post Honey Sweet Rolls with Coconut Raisin Pecan filling appeared first on About Time.

by Devenee


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