Glory’s Green Matcha Mate Shake

by Ankur Garg
Glory’s Green Matcha Mate Shake

This delicious treat is Glory’s favorite “whey” to get some energy!! It is blended with green tea and yerbe mate for energy, mental clarity and focus, lots of antioxidants and fat burning properties! The perfect pre workout drink or start to a productive day!

1 Scoop Vanilla, Peach, or Birthday Cake About Time
80z Fresh Brewed Yerbe Mate or 8 oz water and 2 drops Yerbe Mate Extract
1 tsp Matcha Green Tea
Handful Ice Cubes

Blend and Enjoy-For some added benefits to your workout if you train hard and heavy, try adding SDC Nutrition Creatine, Glutamine, and Beta Alanine.

The post Glory’s Green Matcha Mate Shake appeared first on About Time.

by Ankur Garg


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