The typical customer for protein products is not so typical anymore.

They are young and old. Urban and rural. And they are just as likely to be found lifting the hatch on the minivan as lifting weights at the gym. The market for quality protein products is growing as well as broadening across almost all demographics.

But they have one thing in common:
They are more likely to read labels and seek out nutritional information online than ever before.

That’s why providing your customers with great-tasting, nutritionally superior About Time whey protein products make so much sense. As an authorized retailer, you’ll receive:

• Great introductory specials

• Continued support including demonstrations

• Ongoing sample program with every order

• Generous volume discounts

Come join the growing network of retailers who have discovered their customers appreciate a truly healthy, delicious choice for protein supplements. Complete the reseller registration form. An SDC Nutrition representative will be in touch soon to answer all your questions.